PHS Publications

New Audio Material

PHS is pleased to announce the release of new audio material. Paul McDonald has reproduced, in a new format, the oral interviews taped by PHS members with seniors in the community over the past 20 years.

  • A DVD with a compilation of all the interviews is available at a cost of $15.00.
  • CDs of individual interviews are also available at $5.00 each.
The CDs and DVDs will be available at all regular PHS Meetings.

Those interviewed include: Alex Black, Ben Clark, M. I. Crow (Gladwin), Gordon Fielding, Glen Frosch, Lyla Hayden, Bill Huether, Bill Kerr, Archie MacRobbie, Orton Maltby, John & Muriel Mast, Duncan McFarlane, Kenneth McPhee, John K. Moffat, Alex Ord, Laurene Patterson, Marg Rolfe, Carl & Bessie Ross, Donald A. Stewart, Jane Roszell Wigood.

The following books are available as reference material in the PHS archives.

Most of these books are out of print now and only limited copies are available

  • To the Seventh Generation: The Evolution of the Family Farm in Canada, 1823-2015. This book is the work of PHS member Marilynn Crow recording the changes in farming practices, rural architecture and the lives of farm women and men through two centuries.
  • Puslinch Profiles - a collection of articles on the history activities and businesses of the township.
  • Annals of Puslinch,1850-1950 - a history of the people in each of the 12 school sections written in 1950 by old timers.
  • Annals of Puslinch,1950-1967 $5.00
  • Index to the Annals of Puslinch - a guide for easy access to names in the Annals of Puslinch
  • In Their Own Words - The Complete McPhatter Letters - a collection of reminiscences by many of the early settlers, collected in 1897, $20.00
  • The Biography of David Stirton, M.P. - by Anna Jackson
  • Puslinch Lake and Its Past - by Anna Jackson
  • The Agricultural Society in Puslinch 1840-1990 - by Lynn Crow, $5.00
  • Our Germans Were Linked - by Chris Bowman
  • Duff's Presbyterian Church 1837-1987 (free) Duff's Presbyterian Church is offering free copies of "Duff's Presbyterian Church 1837-1987". First published in 1937, this history of Duff's Church in Puslinch was brought up to date for the 150th anniversary of the church in 1987. Part two of the book covers the next 50 years, 1937 to 1987. Hard cover, 167 pages, 6" x 8".
  • Back issues of Wellington County Historical Society journals:


Membership in the society is open to anyone interested in the history of Puslinch Township giving you access to the archives, assistance with your research from committed volunteers, a newsletter and occasional events of historic interest.

Click here for full membership information or to help by donating or volunteering.

Contact Us


29 Brock Road South
Aberfoyle, Ontario


Puslinch Historical Society
c/o Puslinch Library
29 Brock Road South
Puslinch, ON N0B 2J0

Click here for full contact information including email addresses and telephone numbers.

This is the work of volunteers in the community.
If using any of the content, please acknowledge the Puslinch Historical Society as the source of the material.