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As the road allowance of the 2nd and 3rd concessions were hilly and rough, and the blind line between the front and rear lots of the 2nd was level, a road along this line running east and west was made, except where it detoured around the swamps. This road was long known by its original name, "The Accommodation Road."
1885 T. Barratt- owned whole lot; lived on front, facing Accomodation. Rd. In 1851, there was John Barratt, a farmer from Ireland c1789 with his wife Julia c1793 and family born in Ireland, Mary c 1819, Julia c 1830, and Anne c 1833. The others were born in Canada, Thomas c 1835. Cathrine c 1838, and Agnus Jane c 1848. T Barratt was still there 1877; 1906 Joseph Shantz, who also had R2 L2,3
This lot was split in east and west parts. The Copeland family occupied the west part early, probably Joseph Copeland, Farmer from England, c 1811 and wife Eliza c 1825 with Canadian born family, William c 1846, Edward c 1849. Also in the household was Samual Sharp age 10. The home was a 1 Story, 1 Family Log House The 1867-1885 resident was Chas Neubauer. The east part was occupied early by Geo Richards, but by 1851, Samuel Clemments, a Canadian born farmer c 1818 with his Canadian wife Elizabeth c 1824 and family Sally c1843, Hanna c 1845 Mary c 1847, Enoc c 1848, and David c 1850. 1906 west part Michael Tremain; east part, Alex McGregor
R. Forbes 1858 1867 resident Robt Forbes lumber merchant; By 1877-1906 N Cober
William Lamont, son of Alexander on adjoining lot 6, married and settled on South half of lot 5 which lot he sold in 1855 to his brother Peter, and William went to live in Chatham. 1851 occupants were William Lamont, Carpenter from Scotland c 1814 and wife Margret, c 1818 also from Scotland. Their children were Rachel c 1850, Joseph c 1842, William c 1845, Alexander c 1847 in a 1 Family Log House. William’s brother Peter c 1805, also a carpenter, probably lived with them, and bought it froom them in 1855. P. Lamont in 1858 and his son Alexander until 1888.
Alexander Lamont, a piper and a native of Cowal, Kintyre, with his wife and a family of five sons, settled in 1831 on lot 6. His son, Alexander was the
first assessor and tax collector, John, Peter, William carpenter and Joseph, who was drowned soon after they settled here, while hunting ducks on the Little Lake. Sailing from Greenoch in a schooner they encountered heavy seas and adverse winds. They were eighty-nine days crossing the Atlantic and on
arrival they embarked on smaller boats and eventually arrived in Hamilton. From there they proceeded on foot, carrying all their worldly possessions
through the forest for a distance of over thirty miles, to their homesteads known as the clergy Reserve, on the south half of lot 6, Front 2. A small
portion of the south-west corner of this lot is covered by the Little Lake. On the north-east bank of this land they built their first house, cleared a small space of land and planted potatoes. Deer were plentiful and at that time there was an abundance of fish in the lakes, so they had sufficient food to carry them over the first winter. Two of the sons, Peter and William, were carpenters. Peter was also a millwright and secured work building Ferry's Mill in the village of Shade's Mill, now the City of Galt. Peter also built the Doon Mills, the stone walls of which are standing erect to this day This building was made famous by the a painting of Homer Watson, which was purchased by King Edward VII. August 1883 Guelph Mercury 1888 Mr. Alexander Lamont (son of Peter) has sold his farm on the shore of Little Lake to Mr. John Bond who has of late years been a land speculator. Mr. Lamont is a citizen of Puslinch, as he was raised in Puslinch and has made Puslinch his home all his life.. He and his wife and mother intend moving to Manitoba in about a month, where he intends purchasing a farm to make Manitoba his home for a while. His neigbours wish him happiness and prosperity in this career."
John Bond bought both lots 4 & 5 . He was son of Richard Bond and Elizabeth (Ricker) Bond. He had a family of 7: Irvin in Saskatoon; Chris on the
homestead, Mrs. Clark of Vancouver, Mrs. Lyon of Louisvile Kty, Mrs. J. Fife and Miss Annabel Bond of Galt; and Mrs. W. Little.
The Temperance Hall
At the back of this farm, facing the Accommodation Road, in 1876 the Temperance Hall was built, south and opposite the new school. It was a frame building, now removed. Thomas Ellis gave the pine trees from F2 L13, for the frame and lumber. The logs were cut and hauled to Krib's sawmill in Hespeler where it was cut into lumber and hauled back to the building site by the young men of the district, all work and material being gratis. This building was used by the Temperance Lodge for several years. Then for pubic meetings of all kinds, political debating, and literary societies. Music lessons were given by Abram Whitmer and social dances were held.
John Dickie owned both F&R L 7, and lived on the rear lot
John Thornton, a native of Devon England, settled on this lot which he sold to Robert Dickie. Then Samuel Taylor Born in Yorkshire c 1805 and his Scottish wife Margaret Hutchins c 1810 , came to Puslinch from Nassagaweya and farmed here till 1873 (1867 resident Robt & John Taylor) when he went to Minto. He was a Township and County Councillor while he lived in Puslinch, and Justice of the Peace. Issue: Robert c 1836, Postmaster, Dominion City, Manitoba; Elizabeth c 1837, John c 1840, stayed on homestead with his sisters after spending time in Illinois. William c 1842 died age 33; Hannah, James c 1845, in Illinois. Jane died in Winnipeg 1875; Charles c 1847 in Manitoba; George c 1849 North Dakota, and retired in Winnipeg. Hannah is buried in Clifford Cemetery and the gates are dedicated to her memory. The 1851 census also listed daughter Anne c 1844. 1877 L Kribs 1906 Wm Lisso 1923
1875 Joseph Cooper moved here in 1869, from Elmira. Son William Cooper married Mary Shaumberg Nov. 24, 1886 at the bride's home. H.C. Henders, Methodist pastor, officiated. Dorothy Shaumberg (later Mrs. Gingerich of Blair) was bridesmaid and the groom's brother John Cooper was groomsman. Shortly after their marriage they moved to Fisher Mills where they lived until retiring to Hespeler. William Cooper was a carpenter, then became interested in electricity. When the first electrical power was brought to Hespeler it was generated at Fisher Mills, partly by water power and when the water in the mill-pond was low, by an auxiliary steam plant. Mr. Cooper was superintendent of this plant for a number of years. Later he accepted the position of electrician of the R. Forbes Co. woolen mill and serve there for 17 years. Active in IOOF. They had two children, Roy of Kitchener and Mary, Mrs. Walter Holm of Puslinch. William c1863-1949 Hespeler burial. Coopers there 1885.
E. Ellis. Edward and Thomas Ellis came the same year, 1841 taking up lot 9, Edward on the front and Thomas on the Rear lot . Edward 1813- 1883 m. Mary Elliot (German descent) . The Ellis church was built on their property in 1859. In 1841 Edward and Mary Master Ellis were married.. Their niece, Hannah Ellis b 1853 (daughter of William Ellis, South Dumfries) was adopted and raised by Mary and Edward. Taken from the Bible, the name "Hannah" means "God has been gracious" - a thoughtful reflection as the lives of Mary, Edward, and Hannah were joined as family by her marriage to Rev William Mills June 17, 1873. Edward Ellis did not seek a political or public life but remained close to the land, farming and assisting in the construction of buildings in the community. In October 1873 he sold his farm to Wm. Ross and retired to St. George. He died in 1883, age 69. James Ross left his home near Puslinch Lake in the spring of 1903. 1923 W.S. Ross George and Winnie Lambertson were there 1946-1956. The house was situated at the site of the Service Centre W.
George Sterling, an original Ellis trustee lived here. Robert Little Jr. purchased lot 10, front of con 2 in 1861 and afterwards added to it the rear of lot 10 and the front of 11, con 2. Mr. Little was among the founders and promoters of the Puslinch Farmers' Club, being always actively interested in its welfare. He was a member of the council during 1881 and 1882. His son Wm. J. was next on the homestead. The other members of the family are Robert, Hannah and Eleanor (Ella).. The people from the Ile of Uist did not take up land, but lived in wayside houses. Big John McDonald and wife Peggy McPhee lived with their children in a house, possibly on this corner and worked for local farmers. 1885 J. McEachen 1906 W. Zimmerman
Occupied in 1851 by John Stewart c 1801 from Scotland and wife Jane (McLean)c 1802. Their family included Elezabeth c 1828, James c 1823 who farmed with his father, Peter c 1834 who was a carpenter, (Peter m. Flora McMaster daughter of Archibald) all born in Scotland, and Jane c 1835 ( m. Duncan McNaughton) and John, c 1837 in Canada. Alexander b 1861 m. McCaig, son Hector Stewart of Galt. By 1867 James was the owner. Walter McMillan and wife Betsy Stewart from lot 12 lived here when their children were born 1857 & 1859. They went to Minto in 1874. John Gilchrist owned it in 1875; Later in 1885 E. Schaumberg; Duncan McLeod 1906; 1923 Joe. Haney
James Stewart, son of John on lot 11 may have m. Sinclair; In 1861 he had both lots; he was later associated with Salem. They were still here in 1871. Shambergs came next. Charles and Hy had it in 1875. 1885 C. Schaumberg. By 1906 William Paddock.
Christopher Shaumberg held this lot after the family came from near Preston when Mary was 14. His sons Charles and Hy Schamberg were here 1875, 1879- 80. Mary m. Wm Cooper; There were sisters Sarah, and Dorothy m. Gingerich. 1877 N. Ellis By 1885, 1906 Thomas Ellis 1923 J. Jamieson; Milne Jamieson
This was the Wilkinson homestead from about 1841. Neil Wilkinson 1804-1882 emigrated with his wife, the former Mary Gilchrist 1815-1895, from Scotland, with two little girls, Euphemia 1837 and Catherine 1840. Children born in Canada before 1851 were Flora 1845, Mary 1847, Janet 1849, Barbara 1851 and Alexander 1845, and later, Margaret 1852, Peter, 1854 and Christina 1857 Alexander and Peter carried on the farm after Neil’s death. Gordon McKay was their successor. In 1947 the farm was sold to J. Lambke.He did not need the stone house so it was dismantled.
Donald McMillan 1867 resident & in 1871 & 76; (Big Donald) His family moved to Owen Sound. 1885 Richard Paddock here and on 16. His son Wm. Paddock m. Janet McCormick in 1890. He was a thresher and Road Superintendent for both County and Township. Their sons Jack & George had both sawmill and threshing businesses. Mrs. Jack Paddock had ownership with her brother-in-law, George Paddock; later her son Frank Paddock.
William Blue c 1808, Carpenter from Scotland Willie’s widowed mother had married Neil McPhatter, so Willie and some of his siblings emigrated to Puslinch in 1831 with the McPhatters. He was unmarried. d. Apr. 15 1871. His brother Donald also farmed. Sister Janet m. John Martin, sister Margaret m. James McPhatter and went to Michigan, and sister Grace m Malcolm Smith. Their daughter Grace m Wm. Grey of Puslinch, who was born in Quebec. His parents were Wm and Ann Grey. He was age 38 in 1865 when he married Grace Smith, age 20 or 30. She was born in Toronto, the daughter of Malcolm Smith and Grace Blue His brother Angus had the hotel at Killean. Willie had a 1 Story, 1 Family Log House In 1867 the resident was Allen McCaig In 1871, A. McCormick, 1906 John McCormick; 1923 J Fraser Later it reverted to Jack and later Frank Paddock
Settled by Peter Robertson a native of Edinburgh; 1840 Alex Fraser moved from F1 L 29 here and m. Kate Black whose family were early settlers on the
property. The Fraser family included Alexander of Bagot MB who died 1942 at Hellers; John 1868-1933 who farmed homestead; Eliza m. Davenport, and lived Baltimore Maryland.; Annie m. Luddick and lived
Newark NJ; Margaret m. Herbert Heller The Hellers lived here for some time while Herbert practised his molding career; William of Arkell The farm continued in the family until about 1935 and later about 1950 Frank Lake and his family lived there.
Lots 18, 19 and 20 were swampy, and were often attached to the rear lots. Owners. Alexander McCaig 1867 owner James McCaig Alex McCaig F&R 1906
James McCaig, 1923 J. Smith Donald Smith in 1950
John Wilkinson owner 1871; Alex Watt; James Hogg 1875 1885 E.B. Osler; Even Gilchrist 1906; J. McCaig 1923 Brock Munn 1950
Mrs. Black, 1867 resident Charles Evans 1875, 85 James Hogg Donald McLean 1885 J. Hogg 1923 Mrs. D. McLean 1950 Morwick
Edward Ramsay m. 1803 Sarah Thomson in Scotland They emigrated with some of their family. Barbara 1814 m.Purcell and emigrated with her daughters, and
remarried to James Hogg. Her daughters:
1. Mary m. Jack Hogg, James' son. See Rear Concession 1 Lot 18
2. Janet m. Alex. Ramsay. See RG L 10
Other Ramsay family were. John 1817 Crubasdale, Ivor b. 1819 Tignalenna emig. lived near London, Ann 1820 Bechmore, Archibald 1821 Crubusdale, Edward c 1826 m Margaret, both Scotland born, were on the farm in 1851. Others went to Owen Sound, and USA. James Hogg lived there 1885 before he built on R1L18, then his daughter Amy and her husband Dan McLean lived there.1906-1923 .Julian Lake lived here in the 1940's, with theWilfred Crowder family. 1950 Julian Lake still owned it.
Charles Evans was first owner. 1867 owner Wm & Donald Stewart; 1906 Angus Stewart 1923 J. Wigood lots 22, 23, 24; Richard McMillan 1950 Aggregate
Originally settled by Alex McKenzie c1805-1862 and wife Jane McNaughton 1811-1866 from Scotland. Their Canadian born family were Janet c 1834, Isabella c 1836, John c 1838, Margaret c 1840, Peter c 1842, Henrietta c 1843, Catherine c 1848, Kenneth c 1846. Alexander was a man of more than ordinary ability and a devoted Christian deeply interested in Duff's church of which he was an elder for over 20 years until he died in 1862. 1867 resident Peter McKenzie; His family: Peter H. McKenzie MP in South Bruce; John and Kenneth, Henrietta, Katie, Jane Janet, Isabella and Maggie. Daniel McNaughton, son of Malcolm bought lots 23 and 24 in 1875; was in council and assessed for 5 years; m. Jane Cowan Issue: Janet, William G. Margaret and John M. Toronto; 1923 J. Wigood 1950 John & Ken Martin
owned by Alex McKenzie, Daniel McNaughton 1885 with lot 23. 1923 J. Wigood; About 1940, Alonzo Huffmon; Charles Martin later owned it. 1950 John & Ken Martin; then University of Guelph; gravel Aggregate
An early settler in this locality was John McFarlane, 1803, a native of Stirlingshire, Scotland, a tailor by trade. He married Margaret McNaughton c
1812 in 1831 daughter of Peter, and came to Puslinch with McNaughtons. He purchased lot 25 front of 2. By industry and perseverance he made himself a fine
home, working his trade while he paid for the chopping and clearing. He died in 1894 at the age of 91. His family: 4 sons, Alex.c 1830, farmer Kent Co; Peter c 1838, dead (husband of Catherine McCormick; father of John and Margaret, Mrs. Hodges); John c 1840, in Minnesota; Catherine 1853 (Mrs. John Ballantyne, Bay City) and Daniel 1855-1947 on homestead. Daughters, Christina c 1832, Janet 1837-1884 (Mrs Andrew Stewart), Mary c 1833 (Mrs. Jas Patterson), Margaret c 1845, Jane c 1847 (Mrs. Lt Col William Nicoll), Agnes c 1850 (Mrs Wm. Sherman Thamesville);. Dan on the homestead, is a successful farmer engaged in mixed farming. He married Penelope, daughter of John McLean & Isabel McPherson, Viewfield, Badenoch. Their family is 1. John m.2. Isobelle m. Thos Gilchrist; Penelope, John, Margaret. 1867 resident John McFarlane & Peter; 1923 J. McFarlane; McFarlanes left farm c 1925 or 26 and moved to Lemon St. in Guelph.
Please note: We have not yet determined which daughters became Mrs. Wm. Douglas Galt; & Mrs. David Gibb, Galt;
Tom McMurray, wife and daughter Pearl took over the property. After Mr. McMurray’s death his widow and Pearl moved to Guelph in 1940's. Wallace Burrows purchased the farm, with his wife Lorraine Holm and their children Bryce, Neil, Donna and Laurie. W. Burrows 1950; Ron and Bonnie Blancher lived there until about 1993. An aggregate Co. owns it. The rear part, near the creek is Slovenski Park.
Hugh McNaughton c1816 & wife Elizabeth (Stirton) 1818 raised their family, all Canadian born - Peter c 1840, Janet c 1843, Margaret c1845, James c 1847, Daniel c 1849, in a 1 Story, 1 Family Frame House which probably facing concession 7. Perhaps on the same property, John McNaughton c 1805, also a farmer, had a 1 Story, 1 Family Log House Later owners of the property were John McFarlane A. McDiarmid 1885; 1923 McFarlane & G.E. Quirk; W. Burrows 1950
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Aberfoyle, Ontario
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29 Brock Road South
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